Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's a Whole New World...

Fast forward to July 9, 2013...

We've been through a devastating F5 tornado which took our home and most of our "stuff."  We've rebuilt and replanted and are still recovering in so many areas but God is still good and faithful.  So here we are...back in our home for just over a year now and taming the wild back into a bit of manageable chaos.  We've added horses to the mix. We've gained land.  We've changed and grown.

This year's big adventure is the addition of home-schooling to our family.  Yep, we finally did it.  We pulled the boys at the end of their 2012-2013 school year and have just started our first 2 days of school after many family meetings, hours of research and sore knees from prayer.  That is where we'll be now on this blog...chronicling the journey of our school.  Lessons learned.  Lessons relearned.  Grace granted.  Tears poured out and then dried.  Here we are.  Let the fun begin!

To read more on our tornado and recovery please visit our page Beyond the Storm

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