Thursday, March 11, 2010


I've been participating in a Beth Moore bible study - Believing God. Great study. The premise is that so many of us believe IN God but do we actually BELIEVE God and that He is and does all that He says He can. I know that I have the tendency to "humanize" God in my own mind and attribute "human" traits to them - it's not that I forget He is omnipotent and omnipresent but I forget to rely on His powers to hold me up and guide me. I fall into the "me do it" nature that my 3 year old has. That however, is not what I desire to write about today.

In yesterday's message Beth talked about Heritage. She pointed out that if you've ever known an Orthodox Jewish family then you know that they are steeped in their tradition and heritage. Children just "know" their heritage, beliefs and background because their parents, grandparents and community of believers teach the heritage and tradition in everything they do. It is hard for their children to leave those beliefs because they are just so ingrained into every fiber of their being. She says she's just a bit jealous of that...I think I am too. I know my background. I know my history. I know my own story of salvation. My children don't. Oh, they know God but I suspect I've been teaching "fire insurance". I don't think they really know that the most important thing is God's love and if they miss out on that point...they'll miss it. Without the's all just law. Thankfully our God is the God of second (and third and fourth, etc) chances. I want them to KNOW their Heritage and be so ready for God to work in and through them that they can't stand it. I want them to be crazy in love with Jesus. I want them to know that they are heirs to the throne and the spiritual seed of Abraham. Who am I kidding? I want that for myself - such a deep knowledge that my Heritage is in every promise of the covenant cut by Christ's blood.

The Old Testament is filled with moments when a memorial stone was set up - the original word used means "stood on end". Those stones were "set up" so that when their children would ask, the people of Israel could share the story of how God led them through. We are to be living stones (1 Peter 2:4-5). We are spiritual graffiti as Beth puts it. We announce "Jesus was here" - or at least we are called to do so. I endeavor to fight for my children's Heritage. I want to be writing the message of our spiritual inheritance - our Heritage in God's covenant - on my heart, on my home, in my car, in my daily actions, in the tone of my voice, in what I read, in what I watch, in every choice I make so that my children's knowledge in their Heritage will be ingrained into every fiber of their being. My children will have such strong armor that Satan's boots will shake when they get up every morning. I want them to have their hands out and up to accept each and every blessing that God wants to pour into their lives. It's time walk out in faith and quit sitting in the middle of the road - I know the direction God is calling me to. I am His servant and responsible for teaching the next generation. He's helped me thus far and will continue day by day to guide my steps until I reach the goal.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Already we're nearly a quarter into the new year. Mother Earth is waking up...let it also be a time for us to renew our spirits and our minds.

Ahhhh, Spring

Ahhh, the sun. I love the sun. I am so excited about Spring this year. After 2 years out here on the prairie we are finally going to embark on growing a garden. Now this is not a minor undertaking...we live with red clay...thick, slimy, heavy red clay. Thanks to a friend we have a rototiller which Ron is in the process of repairing. Soon, he'll bust up the ground and then off to get a load of top soil to mix in and a trip to Atwoods or TLC to get some organics and fertilizer to mix in.

The boys can hardly stand it - I think they think the plants will magically produce the pumpkins and watermelons overnight. So sorry boys! However, they are getting involved by helping me plant the seeds in our little seed starters so they are easier to plant and have a better chance of surviving. First the hardy plants - broccoli, cauliflower, onions, lettuce and peas. Then in April the more tender plants - beans, peppers, tomatoes, squash and pumpkins. Finally in May the watermelon and cantaloupe.

I am toying with the idea of putting in a few vines of grapes, raspberries and blackberries along with some strawberries in another area. Grapes will take a couple years to really establish but it would be worth it to have all those frozen grapes and grape jelly. Ron is building me a raised bed for herbs too. We are praying all the hard work pays off and we have an abundant harvest in our garden to help get through the winter. Happy Spring!!