Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...who's the whiniest one of all?

As a dear friend wrote back on my Facebook page today - "nothing like a healthy dose of perspective".  Yep, needed that one.  I've had a rough day full of computer issues, fussy and pukey baby, disobedient boys, and crazy back spasms.  Really, a normal day for anyone living life as a parent.  Today, I whined.  Yep, whined.  On Facebook...and to my mom and my oldest son and my hubby.  Pity party - table of one. 

Funny thing is I had just read a chapter out Lysa Terkeurst's "Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl" while picking up the kids.  The chapter?  How Jesus Helps Me Get My Groove Back.  The topic?  Thankfulness.  Now while reading the chapter I was all about, "Preach it Girl.  That's good stuff."  Once I came home and the snowballing craziness hit me, I forgot all about keeping an attitude of thankfulness and went straight to an attitude of grumbliness (I realize that may not be an actual word but you get the point).

Once things quieted a bit, I checked up on Facebook and received my healthy dose of reality and perspective.  I'm not proud of the face in mirror of my heart looking back at me this evening.  While I was grumbling away in my home there is a precious daughter of Christ in critical condition.  She has been facing a situation that breaks this mother's heart.  This Sunday she lost the first of her twins and try as they might, the doctors could not save the other baby either.  Both were just too early.  This is a tragedy indeed but her story doesn't end there.  She's had complications resulting in heart failure, kidney failure and it is unknown how much damage to her precious brain occured while she spent 17 minutes without oxygen.  Her family waits at her side for a miracle that can only come from the great Healer.

I went to the page her friends created.  The prayers and love coming to this family is staggering.  She has truly made an impact in many lives - some of whom I go to church with.  So many people are posting pictures of this beautiful woman but mostly they post prayers of love and strength.  I find that I am humbled and brought to my knees not only asking for healing to take place but for much forgiveness of my selfishness.  It's not about me and it's not about the silly things that would seek to derail's about thanking God for every challenge because He will ALWAYS find a way to make good of all things.

Please join me in praying for Leslie.  You can get updates on her condition on her Facebook page titled Loving Leslie.  Thank you Lord that even amidst this dark valley - You still shine light and You still give us hope.

1 comment:

The Daileys said...

Humility in the face of the Holy Spirit correcting you is a good thing, my friend. It is no wonder you were attacked just after you got home from a mountain top "I can do this" experience... it means that you have spooked the enemy as well as that you need building up in that area... both are good signs when you see them and both are great examples to me. Thanks for your transparency- once again, you teach me :) I love you!