Lately I have found myself at my wits end devising appropriate punishment for Cam (7) and Jake (4.5) that doesn't completely eliminate any fun for them (lack of any fun activity = excessive whininess and misery for the momma). I think perhaps I have found the solution. We've been working hard on first time obedience. They are fully informed that they can either choose to obey first time or choose to have a consequence at the time of the request. The solution...reduction in bedtime in increments of 15 minutes. No yelling, no begging with my child to behave. Instead a firm announcement that bedtime is now 7:45 for the offending child. Next offense...7:30.
Monday, Camdyn had a bedtime of 7:15 and Jacob soon followed at 7:45. Last night Mommy was not home to enforce the rule even though it had been passed to the adult in charge. Boys were misbehaving something fierce so today on the way from home two young men were informed of the bedtime of 7:30 that should have been enforced for Camdyn yesterday and a new bedtime of 7:30 for Jacob based on the severity of his disrespect for his Gramma shown yesterday. A phone call to apologize will also be completed. Much to my surprise...both boys are following instructions very well. I'm sure the testing will come but it sure is nice to not have all the nastiness and chaos of before.
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