Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm sorry, but...

Why do people think that an apology is sincere when they couch it in  "I'm sorry, but..."  Really?  If you are sincere in your apology then you should simply say "I'm sorry for..." and ask for forgiveness.  Why can't they just say it and stop?  Why say sorry at all if you're just going to then explain to me why I am wrong for getting offended and add more insults in there?  Excuses, excuses. 


The Daileys said...

Sounds like you are still under attack, my friend. Praying for discernment, wisdom and peace for your heart. Remember that old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."? Lies... all lies. Words have the potential to hurt deeper and longer than physical pain, but we have a wonderful healer that loves us and the helmet of salvation that guards our minds. Take it to the throne, dear friend, and LEAVE IT THERE. I love you!

Unknown said...

Thank you! I needed to be reminded of that. I have taken it there and then picked it up again every time I receive an email. He won't let it drop and I keep replying "please leave me alone and discuss it with Ron". I am guilty of picking back up the hurt though and adding another layer. Thank you for loving me enough to remind me to set it down and walk away! I finally am smart enough that I just blocked his emails so I won't have to put myself in his line of fire. I love you too!!

Anonymous said...

Jacci, I'm sorry that you are having this experience. Keep those hands empty of the burden by using them to cling to Jesus! ♥