Monday, September 27, 2010


This morning I finished a few minor things around the house waiting for Evan to take his morning nap so I could have my quiet time. I could not find my study bible anywhere...irritating but not monumental since God led me to a better place. He led me to the scrapbook that I made several years ago for a women's retreat. In it I saw Psalm 23:3 "He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name."(NLT). Pretty classic stuff. I felt an urging though to go look it up in a different version - The Message to be specific and I read "True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction."

Catch my breath. Hmm, yep, sounds about right. I've been running a million miles an hour for a long time now. Good things, not empty, selfish things. Kingdom things. I've served on ministries, worked with youth, led studies, spoken truth and love - even firm correction - into the lives family and friends. I've suffered through losses of those I love. I've moved across the country in obedience. These are good things but they are all "doing, doing, doing".

Oh, I know...I don't earn my salvation by the doing - that wasn't the motivation. I truly love to serve. I'm at my best when I can open my home and my heart to someone - love on them, meet their needs. It's the nurturing spirit I have. God made me this way BUT he also created in me the need to BE. To be quiet. To be still. To wait on Him. To sit at His feet. To lay down my burdens. To ask for forgiveness. To be humble. To make Him my priority. To meditate on the word. To apply it to my life. To be ready and available for His profound word spoken to my heart by the Holy Spirit. To be filled so I can slosh all over someone when His timing is right.

Forgive me Abba, I've been so busy doing the Kingdom work - I forgot to BE the Kingdom work. It's the changes in my heart, it's the growing to be more and more in Christ's image and less and less in my own image that will matter.

It's time to slow down and breathe. How can I know where my path will go next if I don't look up to the guide of my life, take His hand and let him pull me from the soft meadow where he's set me down to rest? If I'm so tired that my shoulders are slumped and I'm looking down then it's too easy to trip. Thank you, patient Father, Your ways are so much more wise. This servant is now learning to be quiet. I will sit in the meadow with my head in your lap as you impart your wisdom. We'll go when YOU are ready. Tell me your stories, share with me the plans you have for my life. We'll go when YOU are ready. Let me sleep in your arms, nestled secure and safe. We'll go when YOU are ready.


The Daileys said...

You have put eloquent prose to the call of God on my heart as well... a season of listening, being and resting with my eyes totally on my Father, my Shepherd, my Comforter, my Provider. Praying for you, sweet Jacci!

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

So eloquently said. Thank you, Jacci!