Friday, October 17, 2008


Well after many weeks and no notes, everyone probably thinks we have dropped off the planet. Not so...just been crazy here. Camdyn's school carnival finally came and went. I can honestly say I was glad to see it go. It required a fair amount of time and effort and I wasn't feeling well enough to devote the time and energy to it. However, turn out was good and we made a decent amount off our two baskets so his teacher is happy!

Cross country is nearly over. Kyle has done fairly well. He had a few rough races but his times have improved and that is all that counts. Regional qualifiers are next weekend, then State is the first week of November. We'll see if he makes it. One never knows.

Ron has had a rough time. His 38 year old brother in Washington died in a motorcycle accident so he had to fly up for the memorial and to be a support to his sisters and family last weekend. This weekend he is leaving for South Dakota with Cory for a pheasant hunting trip. He'll be home Wednesday.

The following week my folks and sissy come down for a week. just keeps marching by. Kyle said to me the other day, "I can't believe it's already the middle of October, the year is over." It's really been a year too with a lot of changes. Next year is looking to have craziness too. Monday I see the doctor to confirm whether or not we have a viable pregnancy. Yeah, you heard me and read that right. It appears that Ron's vasectomy didn't take and that God has other plans for our lives. It's a shock to be certain but all life is a gift and we'll just adjust and accept the gift with joy. It will all depend on my appointment Monday since I have such trouble staying pregnant. Well, the dog is whining to go out, the buzzer is going saying the kids' lunch is done and I have a ton of work to get done. So there's our update, praying all is well with everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, much in one blog post! First, please pass on my condolences to Ron. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of his brother. It is hard enough to let a loved one go when he or she has lived a long, full life; it must indeed be infinitely more difficult to lose a loved one in the prime of his life.
And is perhaps another new life to be born into the family! I can assure you that a 4th baby is a wonderful blessing. (A friend prayed our youngest into existence! She confessed after I told her I was pregnant with him.) Well, take it easy on yourself and rest when you can!